June 5-8
Ethno Port Festival Poznań is a unique event that listens avidly to the world, offering us a chance to discover the sounds and the traditions of its various regions. The core idea of the festival is to explore artistic diversity and foster openness to the extraordinary and original music created by the invited artists.
The festival gathers both enthusiasts of ethnic music in the broad sense and people interested in folk culture and art. It is a place to exchange experiences and establish international cooperation, an amazing opportunity to discover musical traditions, new sounds, voices and instruments.
The values we celebrate are respect for freedom and the distinctiveness of individual cultures, as well as admiration for the musicians from different parts of the world who never fail to find inspiration in their roots. Each edition of the festival is also an opportunity to comment on the current events, an attempt to respond to what is wrong around us. We search for the answers, taking advantage of the universal language of music, among other things.
Over the eighteen previous editions, the stages of Ethno Port Poznań have seen acts which introduced to the music from:
Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Belgium, Belize, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, China, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Greece, Guinea, Spain, Netherlands, India, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Yemen, Jordan, Colombia, the Comoros (FR), Lebanon, Macedonia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Mexico, Mongolia, Germany, Pakistan, Palestine, Peru, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Reunion (FR), South Africa, Romania, Senegal, Serbia, Slovakia, Tunisia, Turkey, USA, Hungary, United Kingdom, Italy, or Cape Verde.